From Balarat a maiden fair
Did chance upon a cattleman there
At first sight Rod was smitten
Deborah wasn’t sure if she was bitten
One starry night at Rod’s special place
He gazed upon Deborah’s fair face
Out popped a box & the question “will you…”
Deborah thought for a minute, then said “You’ll do…”
So over coffee & a vanilla slice
They planned to get married among the ice
Off they went full of zest
On Seabourn they sailed, upon the Quest
From Valparaiso to the Antarctic
They entertained with their antics
In penguin suits they ran amok
Gathering in their attendant flock
The quiet celebration they had planned
Went out the window by demand
The list grew by leaps and bounds
The more & more guests they found
And so here we are in celebration
New friends from many a nation
From north, south, east & west
To wish Rod and Deborah, “all the best”
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